Resolution No. 3: I, Me, Mine…You
Moments before the attention span had started wavering. Now, thoughts drifted, eyelids drooped, head about to nod. Haven’t we all experienced these physical and mental symptoms at conferences, meetings, or classrooms where either the subject matter was dry or the speaker or presenter was less than stimulating? In a momentary state of arousal I pondered the blandness of this encounter. Why was this particular talk so…boring? I found a reason to listen, not for content, but rather for carriage. Quickly I noticed the speaker had a large diet of the first person pronoun: I, me, and mine. The notepad in front of me transformed into a tally sheet. Over the next 15 minutes one of these three words made way into the talk 126 times. An average of once every seven seconds! The lesson to me that day was not the intended subject, but rather about one of the surest ways to destroy a talk, a presenta...